Tuesday, May 5, 2009


As usual..Hyper!:)
1st period..Maths..Fun sia..Got laughters all..was damn hyper..
English..boring but still hyper..
recess..neva saw him..i miss him sia..
i miss him
i miss him
ipw..presented to the class..all of them shout THANA..f***
Science..nth much..
Cd..laughters all arnd the class!:)
After skul..
went to cp again..
before tat..
went to slack wif sing yong all..
they dared me to do something..
it will be hard 4 me to do it..
then went to cp..
saw irfan,luqman at kfc..
saw anthony,patrick and cheng ying..
they tickled and pinched me..
then took my bag..
i m gonna find my bag..
c u after mye..
all the best 4 mye!:)
i miss him!

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