Saturday, May 30, 2009

DuNnO wHaT tO dO nExT..

Hello Earthlings!
Hows life 4 all of you?Hows your result?Hope you all pass yea..I passed and improved!Thanqs to him!:)But i duno him lehs..Ever since tat incident,I neva talk to him readi..dunno wat happen to us luhh..Cant take it sia..Life is INCOMPLETE without him lehz..If only he knows how i feel yea..ala..duno luhh..
The holiday has started and there is a whole lot of things 4 me to do sia..SIANZ..Maybe i should put my schedule here in case i threw the forms away eh..Haha..Well..
2/6 Movie appreciation (Night at the museum 2) 12pm @AMK Hub. :)
3/6 n 4/6 Science remedial in school
4/6 Anderson campfire @ 7.30pm
7/6 Cheerleading practice 4 hockey match 4pm @ School foyer.
7/6-9/6 Under canvas camp @ Camp christine.
12/6 Roller blading @ East coast park 8am.
12/6 Hockey cheerleading at Sengkang Sports Complex. Germany VS Japan. Attire:Black and white!My fav. colours!:)
GGS Carnival(GG HQ) 8am to 5 pm.
See,alot right?Stress sia..
Today not feeling well lehs..Idiot luhh..1 whole week went arnd shouting and got sore throat lor..Feel like going out..but scared l8r see any1 how?Friday,i went to cp wif mum(as usual).My mum went to OCBC and i went to KFC to eat wif my bro..Halfway down,Saw 2 familiar faces..1 wearing green shirt wif school pants,the other home clothes.See,i scared something like tat happen again lor..Nvm luhh..Dunno wat to do now without is bored without his company..Haizz..Nvm..Resting for the night now..
Nights every1!Have a nice rest and sweetest dreamz!:)

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