Saturday, July 11, 2009

DuNNo What To do.. Sobz,,

Hellu guys..
feeling extremely down was supposed to be my 5 month today..whenever i think of it,i will feel like crying seriously..i will always think.. Have he ever thought of my feelings before making that decision? Cant we talk 2gether and solve the problem 2gether?Well.. I went on9 and i saw these msges by Thana..

ehh sry ah
satheesh like u ah so he like veri irritating
he beg me
so i break ah
u dun cry ah OK
ya so when satheesh ask stead u accept ah
dun cry

Well..what do you guys think about it? So.. The whole thing was thanks to that Satheesh.. Argh!!!! I am damn fucking angry now.. Feel like talking to Thana.. but scared he shy.. I dun wan us to end this way.. Well.. I did something hurtful to me and my hand.. but it still cant take away my pain.. Haiz.. Feeling seriously sad now.. Friday i was like saw ncc and felt like crying.. Nvm.. Tats for all..

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