Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I hate her loads!!

Hello people. I just wanna say and inform you guys that i hate YELLOW. You-know the YELLOW colour?? I hate that colour man. That person suck man!~!~ Argh!!
And well.. Me and T.. Nth much.. you-know.. Anand was like asking me Eh linger, what will you do if T ask 4 patch uhhs?? I was like.. You think he wanna ask uhhs?? Ass hole luhh the idiot gays. And anand called me what you know? He cAll me the HORNY LITTLE GIRL!! Fuck him sial!! He think he not horny mehsZ? He more worse sia. Horny like mad.. Just now at bubble tea shop, be4 going 4 Track and Field, he shouted LINGER HORNY to the whole tamil gang. And T was there!! Fuck luhh!!
Like idiot sia.. And Ytd, i was sitting at the window, then, T , Hiz, And Zuhair were at the science block there. Then T was staring inside 2E3 and i angrily closed the window and my hand was stucked there!! Fuck, Fuck and Fuck!! Argh!! Idiot ass.
Just now, Went to track and field.. then saw some1 there.. duno who can ask me. I can tell you guys. but private man. Then vari was like Linger, i wanna confess something to you. i was like shuddup luhh you. =.= then, yellow said got fever. =.= Like i give a damn about it?? Now, im in cp library wiib izzah. Hahaz. Nth to do mahs.. Hahas. K luhh.. C you guys soon yeah. Love you!!

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