Friday, May 22, 2009

FiNaLly BaCk To My CoM aGaIn..

Hello earthlings..Soriie for not being here for long..i was too packed in my revisions for the exam..
Hope that all of us will pass yeah?
Damn loads of things happened between me and some people..I duno why all these happened between me and them..
Some include my close frenz,stead and all..
Well..Regarding my close fren..
She asked me to go to somewhere..but i told her my mum did not let..i felt bad towards her..then be4 going to school,my mum said that i could go..then,after paper,i wanted to look for her..but i had interaction thingy thing with ms teo and she asked me crap qns like do i have a stead?i was stumped at tat qn and lied to her,saying i had no stead.She looked at me disbelievingly..well..wat can i do?then we talked till 10.30.then i thought it was too late to find i went with anngun,dilla all..i didnt expect her to be soo upset..its not tat i don like u..u are my bestiie overall rite?i have shared with u my happiness,sadness and gone out always,slack together,why shouldn i like u?i am realli soriie for whatever tat had happenad tat day..realli soriie..:(hope u will 4give me and nth will happen to our friendship yea?
Now..Regarding my stead..
But..before tat..i got sumting to share..
before the exams,i was realli stucked in my books and some problems..
people calling me ZEBRA,prank calling me..Kena case..damn lots luhh..
one morning,i reached skul,happily..then i sat down and some1(dun wanna mention name)called me ZEBRA!i was damn fuck up!!i was emo the whole day..then went home..1st thing,phone rang.i rushed to pick parents called me the operator yea..kept picking up fonecalls..hehe..then tat person kept quiet.i put down and he called repeatedly..he said some stuffs and i got fed up,plucked out my fone cable.when i put back the cable,some1 called..i got angry and i scolded him.thinking that he was the 1 who kept prank calling me..but it was actually my friend..(realli soriie my friend..)
My stead..well..having some problems with him..i scared that either of us will fail..he and me once said tat if any of us fail..tats the end of our relationship..i m realli scared tat day will happen..i dun wan it to happen as it is too early..i was like scared throughout the exam period..i studied hard and he too did the same..i hope tat day will never happen..i dun wan..
well then..tats all got no skul..called my bestiie but she not at home..i m realli soriie gurl..realli realli soriie..u dun deserved to be treated like this..i m soriie for whateva tat has happened..
well..finally exams are over..i can relax coz i was tired for the past few days..stressing out with exams..hope tat nothing will happen in both my relationship and friendship..i m realli soriie n scared:(i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him loads!well..tats all..bye

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