Wednesday, June 10, 2009

BaCk FrOm CaMp..

Hey guys!Im finalli back after the 3D2N camp.Ive had experiences with INSECTS!There were bees,red ants,cockroach,grasshoppers,wasps,dragonflies and black ants(It hurts when they bit okay!)Im hurt all over and sick after the camp..Just a short recap yea on the camp.
Day 1♥
Went to school at 7.Met sakinah,sufairah,sarmila and iqah on the way to school..then sufairah 4got her sleeping bag!God!Tats the most impt thing of the camp!Haha..Then,off our way to camp christine!Prepare fot the worst people.Then listened to my song yea..hehe.then reached there,placed our bags down and off to work!Pitched tent and the ants were also busy!BUSY ATTACKING US!!Then 12.30 lunch.Mdm rabia did the cooking.But i missed my mum's cooking!Haha..Well,its normal.Girls out 4 camp what..Right?Like that luhh..After lunch went to make the baggage rack,shoe rack and clothes line.I was in charge of the shoe rack,Xaverie in charge of the clothes line and Syahidah in charge of the baggage rack.Then blablabla till 6.Oh ya,4got to tell you guys.Syahidah was the patrol leader(PL sehh..)..hahas..then outdoor cooking.Were told to cook Bee hoon soup.It...was a success....but.......TASTELESS..Haha..Lol..then we were told to finish the whole pot amongst 6 of us and i broke a record!I ate a total of 6 SERVINGS!God.Imagine how full i was??Haha..then,bath time!Finally!!With the cooling water..Then,bed time!I thought we could rest well..but we went to the tent and saw the 4 girls sleeping near the door,leaving me and syahidah to sleep near the baggage rack,where it is attacked by ANTS!ASS RIGHT?!Then i went to the toilet to wash my bag as it was also attacked.Then,i was so fucked up that i cried and told my Message Companion(MC) and ms kwok abt it.My MC replied:WTF?!Like that also can uhh?You go slap them luhh..Bitch sia!K luhh..dun cry readi luhh..l8r you eyes swollen how?Haha..thanks yeah buddy..:DThen slept at a spare tent..onli 2 of us.Lights off!
Day 2♥
Woke up at 6.45 then ran 4 rounds and breakfast.Ate 4 breads and 3 eggs.Then inspection and blavblabla..till outdoor cooking.DISASTER!I onli like the dumpling,garlic bread and kebaba onli.Then eat eat eat,till 4.then got wide amazing race like that luhh.Quite fun luhh.The funny thing is that each of our patrols hid each others' clues.Haha.LOL..Girls out 4 camp what..Like that luhh..Then,i and sing yong were shouting like hell.Then we need to perform a senario:"I was eating curry puff and the powerpuff guides bumped into me and my puff dropoped.Then,they asked my name and i said LINGER coldly.Turned around and another guide bumped me and my puff dropoped again.Ass right?Haha.then i extort money from her,slap her.[Act gangster yea.its normal.i m a gangster in home:P]The next day i wanted revenge.I saw them and they were singing a song LINGER.I was touched and i joined them."Can you believe there a song titled my name?After every campfire they will sing and all will stare and laugh at me.Then,washed the toilet got lots of cricket and the girls got scared.~GIRLS~what and off to sleep!
Day 3♥
Woke up at 7.GOD!were late!Then breakfast,strike of tent,again,ANT ATTACK!Then,prize presentation.Got spagetti,the sauce and a few more stuffs.Boriing.Then,made our way home!Home sweet home!:D And to vari,rmb our promise to sarmila yea.friendship means more than anything!Friendship can last 4ever but not RELATIONSHIPS!:D..Now,im intending to cut my fringe..And thanks to my MC 4 keeping me company and i will get well soon.Thanks.:DNow,im scanning through my msg,Got lots of msg from duno who!!,aidil and taufiq!I miss them man!Im soriie yea duno who!! you have asked me to delete but i will not delete till its the right time.It left too much memories.Though you have change no and neva contact,but if you wanna talk to me,u can call or msg me.Im still your friend and you too are still my friend what.I will not msg you unless you msg me.Rest assurd.Now,Im looking at this touching msg:I wrote your name in the sky but the wind blow it away.I wrote your name in the sand but the sea wash it away.I wrote your name in my heart and 4ever it will stay!.Hope so yea.No comment.Now,im off to sleep.Nights people!

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