Thursday, June 4, 2009

Go Or NoT tO gO??

Hello people.. feeling more worse than yesterday..ala..heck care luhh..just a recap on today..
Today..woke up @ 8 in the morning,have a bath and off to science remedial..then reached school at 10.05..sat on the bench outside 3E1,where NCC is inside..and talked to georgina..slowly,the whole gang came..Anwar(the big shemale:)),Anggun(the sweet 1),iylia and netballers(the hyper 1s),Tiger(The lightning hair)hahas..N Joey Cheng(The hyper 1)..hehe..talked and talked..be4 we realised,it was already 10.45!SHUCKS!WE WERE LATE!and the teacher was Mr Koh..Ncc Teacher..NCC here,NCC there..Haiz..we went in and saw rAFi,hanafi,Anand and Ryan(Surprisingly) and n7 gang..then sat down,paid attn a while and RIING!Its time to go home!:)Then i,anggun,tiger and anwar waited for rAFi at the rock climbing..was having fun when anwar kept looking at 3rd floor and i looked too..i saw shafiq 1n7 on n8,whatever class it is,looking towards our direction..then anwar said:"Eh linger,why tat guy kept staring at you uhh?Entah2 dier minat eh.."Ala anwar,heck care luhh..ako cumer SPS:)then tiger got caught by ms neo for his lightning hair..hahaks..then went rounding awhile and went home..feeling sick..then went home,remembered got campfire at 7.30 tonight..i and syahidah were like to go or not to go?Hahaks..then our final decision is.................GO!:)I thought of it and i think its good 4 me to go so that i can scream out all my has been 9 days since he talked..i hope that he will contact me..:(haiz..well..time check its 17.53pm and i m off 4 my campfire..well..nights in advance guys!!Hope that i can get well and he will contact me pleasssseee..i miss him!!Haiz..Well..gotta go..

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