Sunday, June 14, 2009

FuNnY dAy!:D

Hey guys!Soriie for not updating for so long yeah.Was sick uhh..Not recovering yet sia..ASS..Aniways,i enjoyed myself during the hockey match and the rollerblading!:D.Just a recap yeah.
Reported @ 8 at YCK bus interchange.Went there wiib Syahidah,Rong Xuan and Wiifey.Reached there and blablabla.Went rollerblading wiib Syahidah,Sufairah,Sakinah.Sarmila and iiqah.Among them,only i and Sufairah are the experts.Experts luhh..Hahaks.Then,i taught Syahidah to rollerblade.Her legs was damn wobbly sia.So cute.Hahaks.Then when she stabilised ready,she looked at my face and she laughed and fell.I was like can you dont see my face so that you will not fall?Then she say my face was cute thats why she fell.I was like Huh??Cute??Then,went rounding with the whole gang and played catching wiib Syahidah and Sufairah.I fell at this particular spot and badly scraped myself.Who says experts cant fall?I was like OUCH!PAIN SIA!!Hahaks.Then dismissed at late sia.Then,sat in bus and the whole gang got a seat and got a sleep.Thats all.. zzzzz..
Hockey Match♥
After we were dismissed,i and syahidah went to compass to have a light lunch at KFC.Then talked about stuffs and vari msged asking if i was going?I lied and said no.Then,went to school and she saw me and was like HUH?Linger came??And she tored my bag.Hahaks.Its nth luhh girl.Only a b'day present.Then made our way to swimming complex and shouted like mad.Guides what.Hyper luhh.Hahaks.Then,went to compass rounding and i discovered that my voice was almost gone!I was like WTF?!Then went rounding and saw shameer and he was like carrying his baby sister and so gentle towards her.So sweet.Then near 7-11,something happened.Vari,just dont repeat the same mistake.
Outside compass..
We were walking at the junction near anwar's blk when an accident happened.I was like so stunned.And i stood there quiet for a few mins.Imagine that?Cool right??Witnessing a real accident LIVE right infront of you!!Then,talk talk talk and vari missed 2 buses.Hahaks.Yeah.Thats all.Now,im gonna look at the guides multiply to look at pics which left lots of memories.Especially the 1 at TKPS.Now,my mum cancelled my hp the idd call!!SHUCKS!!so if you guys call me and i duno who you are,then soriie.
Now,to the girls going for the Wee Kim Wee challenge,ALL THE BEST YEAH!:D.YOU GUYS MUST MAKE SKY GUIDES PROUD!!:)Now,im gonna rest.2mrw still got St. Nichs campfire and must lose voice again.So,signing off now.Bye people.Take cares.Hope that i will get well soon ehk?Got anything,just msg or call my hp.

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