Friday, June 5, 2009

ThIs AnD tHaT..

Hello people..
Just finished packing 4 tomorrow's camp..IDIOT!There was a sudden change in the date and i was like:"Huh?!What the @#$*!!"Well lets talk about that l8r..
Now..Lets talk about yesterdays campfire..hahaks..reached there @ 7.05,still early..went rounding awhile and sat awhile with my hyper companion..Hehe..then got mosquito bite.SHUCKS!Ass..then i and syahidah went in..We were the last school to PS..then we had to go through a shaky bridge made of the gadgets..i was like.."OMG.Can all of us cross?It looks soooo damn shaky sia.."I and syahidah and iqah and gang were like shaking sia..but finally crossed..Thank god..Nth happen..Or else..hahaks..then the campfire was in the hall..STYLO SIA i thought..GOT AIR CON..CONFURM RICH 1 lets proceed to the main events..i was like shouting my voice and heart out and laughing when i and syahidah saw these 4 guys,from scouts,dancing like GAYS!I got reminded of ANWAR and i said to syahidah:"Eh,maybe anwar should join them"and she was laughing her ass off..then there were performamce by NCC,student councillors and games..then the student councillors were dancing in couple and holding hands and syahidah was like:"Eh linger,imagine ko ngan ahem ahem buat mcm tu.."Hahaks i was laughing like mad..Syahidah,takleh angkat luhh please..hehe:)then i lost my voice..gr8!then went home with ms kwok @ 10.30..reached home,have a bath and thought of sleeping when this guy msged me and talked to him till 1 be4 lights off!:)
Today..Got civil defence course..damn fun!reached there @ 8.30..Lecture about fire till 11.15..bored..meanwhile,luckily i got some1 to msg with..hehe..then went 4 lunch..Vari called Khai,i called syahidah..then Khai conferenced with ammar and Vari's face was like totally changed sia..Vari,relax..then,went back to lecture..Got Cpr..hehe..then sheerein was like eh linger,imagine if ahem ahem does it on you..i was like..???then went back to lecture..theres this guy,named isuan..and sheerein was like OMG is that izhwan?I was like..EEW..No..Izhwan isnt an adult yet please..then lecture and test till 4 then went home..then received msg tomoro got camp!I tot it was on SUNDAY??then Ms Loh said is tomoro..I was like OMG!!I HAVENT STARTED PACKING..!SHITT!!then went home and packed..then got a few things missing..went to Cp with syahidah to buy all the things and went home continue packing..Well..finally i m all readi to go 4 camp tomoro!:)Hope that THE SEC 1S WILL NOT SHOW ATTITUDE!!:@ASS..Nvm..will update in another 3 days time..I hope soo..Will miss you guys!And to HIM,soriie if i had been irritating and thanks 4 all the wonderful moments and please luhh eh..dun think i still like you..i like you as a fren jekk luhh eh..ok..lights off!Got anything,just contact me..Love you guys!:)

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